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Shopware App Configuration

1. Preset Nudges

Preset Nudges
Product Available Message brytes empathy engine.png
Product Available Message brytes empathy engine.png

1.1 Where do I register my brytes account?

You can sign up for your brytes account in the extension section of your Shopware app. Therefore please go to the menu item "Open Extension" (marked yellow in the screenshot).

1.1 Was sind Preset Nudges?
1.2 Product Available
Product Available Message brytes empathy engine.png
Product Available Message brytes empathy engine.png

1.1 Where do I register my brytes account?

You can sign up for your brytes account in the extension section of your Shopware app. Therefore please go to the menu item "Open Extension" (marked yellow in the screenshot).

Full Basket (3).png
Full Basket (3).png
Full Basket (3).png

1.1 Where do I register my brytes account?

You can sign up for your brytes account in the extension section of your Shopware app. Therefore please go to the menu item "Open Extension" (marked yellow in the screenshot).

1.3 Full Basket
Basket Sale (2).png
Basket Sale (2).png
Basket Sale (2).png

1.1 Where do I register my brytes account?

You can sign up for your brytes account in the extension section of your Shopware app. Therefore please go to the menu item "Open Extension" (marked yellow in the screenshot).

1.4 Basket Sale
Product Available Message brytes empathy engine.png
Product Available Message brytes empathy engine.png
Product Available Message brytes empathy engine.png

1.1 Where do I register my brytes account?

You can sign up for your brytes account in the extension section of your Shopware app. Therefore please go to the menu item "Open Extension" (marked yellow in the screenshot).

1.5 Exit Intent
MicrosoftTeams-image (35).png
MicrosoftTeams-image (35).png
MicrosoftTeams-image (35).png

1.1 Where do I register my brytes account?

You can sign up for your brytes account in the extension section of your Shopware app. Therefore please go to the menu item "Open Extension" (marked yellow in the screenshot).

1.6 Popular Product
Custom Nudges

2. Custom Nudges

MicrosoftTeams-image (35).png

1.1 Where do I register my brytes account?

You can sign up for your brytes account in the extension section of your Shopware app. Therefore please go to the menu item "Open Extension" (marked yellow in the screenshot).

2.1 Was sind Custom Nudges?

1.1 Where do I register my brytes account?

You can sign up for your brytes account in the extension section of your Shopware app. Therefore please go to the menu item "Open Extension" (marked yellow in the screenshot).

MicrosoftTeams-image (35).png
MicrosoftTeams-image (35).png
MicrosoftTeams-image (35).png
2.2 Exit Intent Bestseller
Product Available (1).png
Product Available (1).png
Product Available (1).png

1.1 Where do I register my brytes account?

You can sign up for your brytes account in the extension section of your Shopware app. Therefore please go to the menu item "Open Extension" (marked yellow in the screenshot).

2.3 Exit Intent Available
MicrosoftTeams-image (35).png
MicrosoftTeams-image (35).png
MicrosoftTeams-image (35).png

1.1 Where do I register my brytes account?

You can sign up for your brytes account in the extension section of your Shopware app. Therefore please go to the menu item "Open Extension" (marked yellow in the screenshot).

2.4 Produktvergleich Bestseller
MicrosoftTeams-image (35).png
MicrosoftTeams-image (35).png
MicrosoftTeams-image (35).png

1.1 Where do I register my brytes account?

You can sign up for your brytes account in the extension section of your Shopware app. Therefore please go to the menu item "Open Extension" (marked yellow in the screenshot).

2.5 Produktvergleich Available

Online Shopping ohne Ablenkung - der Traum eines jeden Marketers. Die Realität sieht jedoch anders aus, sodass wir unsere Shopping Intention als Besucher häufig unterbrechen. Sind User jedoch schon so weit im Prozess vorangeschritten, dass sie sich bereits für Produkte entschieden haben, können wir diese Präferenzen nutzen. Das Interesse am Produkt ist bereits vorhanden. Ein Anstupser im richtigen Moment kann dazu beitragen, den unterbrochenen Kauf weiterzuführen. 

Unsere Wording Empfehlung

  • Headline: Du hast noch Produkte im Warenkorb!

  • Text: Deine Favoriten warten auf dich!

  • CTA: Zum Warenkorb

Bildschirmfoto 2023-11-24 um 08.52.29.png
Bildschirmfoto 2023-11-24 um 08.52.29.png
Bildschirmfoto 2023-11-24 um 08.52.29.png

1.1 Where do I register my brytes account?

2.6 Reminer zum Checkout
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